Embracing Sobriety in Spiritual Practice: Interview with Elizabeth Esther

Photo: Elizabeth Esther Another blogger friend, Sirius Heart, introduced me to Elizabeth Esther’s blog back in 2014. Recently I ran across her top ten signs of a spiritually abusive church YouTube video and I was so, so glad someone finally mentioned the dangers of “independent fundamental” churches like the ones I attended when I was aContinueContinue reading “Embracing Sobriety in Spiritual Practice: Interview with Elizabeth Esther”

Some Thoughts on National Remembrance and Christian Terrorism

So Memorial Day wasn’t too long ago, and I’ve been thinking about my mixed feelings about patriotism and group remembrances. I don’t think patriotism is inherently bad, but I also think that questioning where our patriotic energy is directed is a healthy thing. Be wary of people who encourage blind patriotism. Even the Nazis wereContinueContinue reading “Some Thoughts on National Remembrance and Christian Terrorism”

Cult literature confuses me and that’s a good thing

So I’ve been wanting to write more about literature produced by cults and high control groups. The stuff that the insiders read, reinforcing their feelings of belonging. The arguments that convince them that they’re right and everyone else is wrong.  When I was a teenager, I read books from Vision Forum about dutiful daughterhood andContinueContinue reading “Cult literature confuses me and that’s a good thing”

Outside the Box: I wish I didn’t know

Today’s post is from a friend who wishes to remain anonymous.  Content note: child abuse, domestic violence, marital rape Nostalgia is defined as a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. The memories of childhood often evoke feelings of longing for a time whenContinueContinue reading “Outside the Box: I wish I didn’t know”

Poem: Outside

The sun is shining over the flowers my grandfather planted. They’re still growing, long after he died in 1995. One of my goals for 2016 is to write a new spoken word poem every month. Here’s February’s poem. We can breathe again, out here in the open.Drink in lemonade sunlightbecause each one of us hasContinueContinue reading “Poem: Outside”